My bag collection is now for sale! If you want one, visit Sanseliv at Bryggen i Bergen. You can also contact me by e-mail or leave a comment if you want to buy one, and I'll get back to you.
Oki;) Jeg vil herved kjøpe en:) Hvilke har du igjen da? Salget går vel unna tenker jeg. Oransje og brun med lilla handtak var jo knæsjy! ellers liker jeg rosa og lilla...:) velg en du! du vet adressa! hvis du skal kommunisere noe mer, kan du maile meg: (gi meg kontonr) Stå på, fortsett å lage nydelige vesker!!
I like your bags and I am a bag addict as well. I love your color combos. I am participating in a bag swap with your sister and I can't wait! How much would your bag cost in US dollars? It would very tempting....
kjempefine vesker Elisabeth:=) Hva skal du ha for en sånnen da?
takker:) de koster 250kr. (evt. + porto).
Oki;) Jeg vil herved kjøpe en:) Hvilke har du igjen da? Salget går vel unna tenker jeg. Oransje og brun med lilla handtak var jo knæsjy! ellers liker jeg rosa og lilla...:) velg en du! du vet adressa! hvis du skal kommunisere noe mer, kan du maile meg: (gi meg kontonr) Stå på, fortsett å lage nydelige vesker!!
I like your bags and I am a bag addict as well. I love your color combos. I am participating in a bag swap with your sister and I can't wait!
How much would your bag cost in US dollars? It would very tempting....
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